
1683939691_maxresdefault-7319286-7040117-jpg アーカイブ

フルムービー | イエス・キリスト:神との永遠の命、聖体拝領、平和、幸福を得る方法 || Japanese Gospel of John full movie: https://youtu.be/ldh60QOHlww
https://www2.bible.com/bible/81/JHN.1.ja1955 ,
https://www2.bible.com/bible/1819/JHN.1.新共同訳 ,
https://live.bible.is/bible/JPNNIT/MAT/1 ,
https://live.bible.is/bible/JPNJCB/MAT/1 ,
Read and listen to the bible in your language:

完全な映画のHD : マシューの福音 イエス・キリスト Full HD Movie: The Matthew’s Gospel, Japanese: https://youtu.be/X7C7pBNLWPk

使徒行伝 | イエスの復活後、聖霊が信者たちに送られます | 第1章から第7章 | Japanese christian movie: Acts | Ch 1-7: https://youtu.be/DiKbZubjsNM

なぜイエス・キリストは死んだのですか?これは彼の誕生の700年前に書かれた予言によって説明されています!それはすべて実現しました! そして、イエスは同じ予言に従ってよみがえられました – イザヤ53章: https://youtu.be/Y2JrDK47rwY


The Gospel of John in English :

Acts of the Apostles in English:
The Gospel According to Matthew:
The Gospel According to Matthew | Full Movie | Bruce Marchiano | Richard Kiley | Gerrit Schoonhoven
The Gospel According to Matthew | Full Movie | Bruce Marchiano | Richard Kiley | Gerrit SchoonhovenThe Gospel According to Matthew Full Movie, starring Bruce...

Read and listen to the bible in your language:


The gospel of John with subtitles (More than 1000 languages!):
Languages from A to C: https://youtu.be/RijqmfxvCjM
from D to I: https://youtu.be/l1dfuV5NCrA
from J to L: https://youtu.be/zsFMhs3tITM
from M to O: https://youtu.be/eVMOagqb5Pg
from P to S: https://youtu.be/VGZOWOxKXfs
from T to Z: https://youtu.be/ENWgUGyLq-k

How to find your language in these movies (with subtitle) (brief explanation):
Go to the subtitles tool, after the “I” you will see that there is the “interlingua” item, next to this item you will find numerous languages in alphabetical order (for instance: Interlingua-Abua ; Interlingua-Achuar …etc. ).
Click once on the chosen language (do not click twice or more) and wait a few seconds and the system will load the language you have selected.
Here the example: https://youtu.be/5XCa_-TJN9k

Gospel of Matthew with subtitles:
Languages (from A to E): https://youtu.be/wpFrTZLCpAY
(from F to M): https://youtu.be/zsIeXajy7Xw
(from M to S): https://youtu.be/rHFvJVQUmss
(from T to Z): https://youtu.be/0YxJlYyTv84

Acts with subtitles:(From Chapter 1 to 7):
Languages (from A to C) https://youtu.be/FmuyZWsgeg0
(from D to I) https://youtu.be/3F2mLXVhzWw
(from J to L) https://youtu.be/YoV3NN5EU_4
(from M to O) https://youtu.be/0Y88yxk0HlI
(from P to S) https://youtu.be/fLIzWMtR19U
(from T to Z) https://youtu.be/kegiVqwK9gQ


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